Thursday, May 1, 2008

Benefits of Selling to an Investor

What do real estate investors offer that people will like?
1. Ease of transaction. We've done this before, and will work to get it done as fast as possible and help the seller if they want it.
2. The house is great how it is. We're not going to nickle and dime a seller because I don't like the decorating. I'm not going to bother the seller with problems down the road that might occur because we purchased the house AS-IS. You can even leave anything you don't want to take with you.
3. No out of pocket money. The seller doesn't have to fix anything, pay for any fees, the price I give is what they get.
4. Knowledge. As an investor there will be no surprises that come up that I can't deal with. If an average buyer gets scared, they will walk away. We expect surprises, they don't scare us.
5. Flexibility. There are some houses that banks will not lend money on. As an investor, we have other ways to buy houses. If a seller doesn't want all the capital gains we can make payments to the seller so the income is spread out over a couple years or more.
6. No commission. You don't have to pay me to buy your house. Once we agree on a price, that's it, no fees come out of that.
7. Improve neighborhoods. Investors go into neighborhoods and fix up the houses that have been neglected. The house will not sit vacant anymore.
8. Buying the un-buyable. If you think your house can't sell, think again. Investors are looking for houses everyday. You can be certain that an investor is ready to buy it today.

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