Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Getting into the Swing of Things

Well, we've taken a week long vacation, after getting into a routine for a couple weeks. Now the struggle is to get back into the routine and schedule as quickly as possible. Working for yourself and dictating every task to make your business a success is a hard job. To motivate yourself, prioritize every aspect of the business, to grow the business, to maintain the business, to run the business daily is a lot for 1-2 people. That is where discipline and schedules come in as a necessity.

I'm a list maker and have started using my Google calendar as my main tool for tasks and appointments. What a great tool! I can have my business schedule, my partner's schedule (husband) and my personal schedule all together to make sure I fit everything in that needs to be done. I can allocate the right amount of time, so I don't overspend my time on any one project that doesn't warrant the extra effort. And when it's time to work on something else, my calendar lets me know. My partner can make sure I'm doing the tasks that need to be done. If something doesn't get done, I move it to a future day, so he knows when it will be done (or when it's scheduled to be done). I can add items to his calendar so that I'm reminding him and showing him what I've accomplished.

I've joined the RICH club and went to my first meeting for the women for RICH club. I was disappointed at the small turnout, but it's a start. It turns out I may be one of the 2 most experienced members of the women's group. I was expecting to be the low man on the totem pole and learn from others. For this new market, they have a lot of knowledge I don't, so we can all help each other, which is the point of the group. I'm hoping to reinforce the things I know by sharing my knowledge and to help remind myself of all the great tools we have and to use them.

Friday, July 20, 2007

The Secret - Robert Allen knew it?

Today the big craze is "The Secret." Watching Robert Allen 2 nights ago I found the same information from the "Secret" in the "Wealth System 2000" from 1991. Well, we all know (at least those of us whom watched the movie or read the book) that the "Secret" is really no secret, it's just a way of living everyday.

If each of us 10 times a day would:
1. Do what is important first
2. Keep focused on what we want to accomplish
3. Stay positive and push aside the "nay sayers"
4. Live for our purpose
We would live the secret, become great sales people, attract the things we want, thereby staying motivated and accomplishing more quickly, so much more.

Finding a purpose is essential to being able to accomplish goals. We can write down all kinds of goals, 1. become rich, 2. lose weight, 3. eat more healthily, 4. spend more quality time with the family, 5. get a sports car, 6. travel. So those goals are written, now what? Do those goals motivate you enough? No, you need your purpose to motivate you. So what is your purpose? Well, that can take some time to figure out. You may have an immediate purpose, to support your family, or no one eats next week. To get to work, or the mortgage won't get paid. Do you want to work until you die, or do you want to be able to take a year off to travel, spend time with the family? Your goal may be to travel and spend time with the family, but your purpose is then to provide a safe, secure surrounding for your family, because no one else will. And once you have that security, you can then live out those goals. The purpose you have is the foundation for the goals. With knowing your purpose, you can reach the goals more easily.

So I say to myself, "I need to provide a safe, secure environment for my family." How I do that is to provide a way for the daily expenses of my family to be paid for. Once those expenses are paid for without me working daily, I have time to be with my family. Once I provide for the daily expenses, I can work on providing for extra expenses, like travel.

Putting up pictures of goals can help you everyday see what it is that you want. We don't usually forget what we want, though. We do, however, tend to forget (or not think about the importance of) the underlying purpose for WHY we want that goal. The why can be as simple as FREEDOM. That feeling of waking up in the morning and knowing that you and your family are taken care of. That the day is yours, for whatever you have planned: more work, playing, education, volunteer work, etc. So, instead of placing a picture of Fiji on the fridge, you place a picture of your loving family playing together, or a picture that represents the volunteer work you want to do. To see the WHY everyday: your PURPOSE, can help keep you on track, keep you motivated, attract the WHY and the goals to your life.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Taking the plunge

When do you start? Taking the plunge from reader, watcher, or dreamer, to action taker, risk taker, getting your feet wet.

This is the step so many people have trouble with due to fears, financial limitations, or other people whispering in their ear (or screaming) "Don't do it, I know someone..." The truth is, that everyone can fail OR everyone can succeed! Too many times I have heard people say "That is not possible" or "It can't be done" but I'm here to tell you, everything is possible and YES it can be done.

Whether it's ourselves or someone else, "Get out of the way!" If you say in your head, "I can't do it" then get out of your head! If you say "But, what if..." get rid of your BUT!

If your friends say "Oh I wouldn't do that" then look at what they have and see if you like what they do for a living or the kind of income they have, or their spouse, or the food they eat. If you want exactly what they have, then listen to them and Don't do it. But, if on the other hand, you want something different than that friend, then Don't Listen to Them! They don't know how to get what you want.

If you keep doing what you are doing, you will continue to have the same results that you had yesterday. However, if you try something new, you will have new results! The saying "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again" doesn't mean to keep doing the same thing over and over, it means, try one way, then another, then another, until it does work. And how great it would be to follow in someone's footsteps, to do what works, and not make mistake after mistake.