Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Basic Sales 101

We moved back to CA in September.  My husband is an agent and wanted to find other agents to work with him.  He had meetings with several agents who were all BROKE.  In a tough sitation. Not making any money and needing a paycheck.  My husband is a hard worker and knows the basics of sales.  He suggested going back to basics and door knocking.  He offered going with them to help.

We've not heard back from those agents.  Those agents are looking for a 9-5 job and accepting government assistance but they were not willing to go knock on a few doors.  Not even to try it for a week.

I guess the easy times have spoiled the agents who got in at the height of good times.  They never had to shake the bushes to get a paycheck, and a big check at that.

I love hearing stories of seasoned professionals going back to basics.  It's like the stories we have heard successful business people say:  "If I lost all my money I'd have it back fast, because of the knowledge I have and work ethic I live by."  And you can bring that to the level of The Secret as well.  The mentality of successful business people are at a level that can bounce them back, bigger and stronger if they choose.

Keep your nose to the grindstone and work steady.

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