Monday, October 26, 2009

100% Commit Yourself

How do you become successful? How do you find the deals? How do you learn how to get homeowners to trust you? How do you find people to buy your houses? You have to work this business. Not just one day a month, not just one day a week. Every time you talk to someone is a time to talk about your business. If you have ever been to a multi-level marketing opportunity meeting, or joined an MLM, they probably taught you a lot about committing. They want you to commit your time, your money and tell everyone you know what you are doing. Word of mouth marketing is the cheapest and usually best way of getting business. Word of mouth comes from trusted friends, family and colleagues.

You need to learn how to talk the talk. You get that from talking with people in the industry, going to seminars, attending webinars, reading books, listening to tapes, watching videos of experts, talking with a mentor.

You have to walk the walk. Get in there and do a deal! Don’t think you have to know everything about everything to buy a house or rehab a house. Find someone to help you along the way. Find a mentor! Partner with someone who’s done it before and learn from them. Find a good contractor (you may need help doing this). Find a good lender, find a good insurance team. Find a great realtor! Get a team together to help you along the way. You shouldn’t do this alone!

When you jump out of an airplane, the hardest part is letting go. The rational side of you starts telling the spontaneous side of you that you are CRAZY! What if!?!? Once you do jump, you are committed, 100% to pull that cord. You know what will happen if you don’t. So, you continue with the steps you need to complete your missions. After you land successfully, you know you have accomplished something that not everyone would try or even consider. When you are scared to do something, the hardest part is taking that first leap of faith that everything is going to work out fine. Once you get going, keep moving forward, and commit to keep the momentum everyday.

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