Sunday, June 7, 2009

How To Animoto

The first of the free places to create videos -without a video camera that I want to share with you is Animoto. Below is a 5 minute tutorial on how to use Animoto and get it onto YouTube. I used their stock photos and the music they provide. You can upload your own images, use images from the web and use your own music as well.
Something that is important when you put your videos onto YouTube is the title, description and tags or key words you use. Make sure the title is named something that your video is about. For people to find your video, the title needs to be something that they would type into a search browser. The internet is all about giving people what they want - and if you have what people want, make it easy for them to find do that with the right words.

To find me on YouTube, use mktcompetition to search - I should be the first video that pops up.

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